Genetic Services Specialist

Total Women's Care

Priyabala Ramaiah , MD

Gynecologist & Robotic Surgeon located in Canton, OH

If you have a family history of genetic conditions or simply want to know your risk, gynecologist Dr. Priyabala Ramaiah, MD, can help at Total Women's Care in Canton, Ohio. Dr. Ramaiah offers genetic services, including counseling, to determine if genetic testing is right for you. Doing so detects the presence of, or your risk of disease so you can be proactive regarding your health. Call Dr. Ramaiah’s office to learn more, or book an appointment online today.

Genetic Services Q & A

What are genetic services?

Genetic services include genetic testing and counseling regarding health conditions you may have or be at risk for. Genetic tests are entirely voluntary, but can give you peace of mind knowing if you or your unborn baby are at risk of developing certain diseases. Genetic tests help:

  • Rule out or confirm genetic conditions and abnormalities
  • Assess your risk of developing diseases
  • Find out if you’re likely to pass a disease to an unborn baby

Over 1,000 genetic tests are available, with more coming in the future.

Which methods detect genetic abnormalities?

Numerous methods are available for genetic testing, such as:

  • Biochemical tests that analyze proteins within your body; protein abnormalities may represent DNA changes associated with genetic disorders
  • Molecular tests that study genes (short DNA lengths) to identify mutations associated with genetic disorders.
  • Chromosomal tests that analyze long lengths of DNA to identify chromosomal abnormalities

Dr. Ramaiah gives you information about each genetic test, including emotional and social consequences or rewards associated with it, to help you decide if genetic testing is right for you.

Which genetic tests are available?

Dr. Ramaiah lets you know which genetic tests to consider based on symptoms you’re having, a family history of disease, or the desire for peace of mind. She may recommend one or more of the following:

  • Diagnostic tests to diagnose diseases if you’re having symptoms
  • Carrier tests to determine if you’re at risk of passing a disease on to future children
  • Predictive tests to assess your risk of diseases like breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and heart conditions
  • Pharmacogenetics tests to determine which medication dosage best matches your needs
  • Preimplantation testing to detect embryo abnormalities prior to in vitro fertilization
  • Prenatal tests to check for fetal abnormalities associated with genetic disorders, such as down syndrome
  • Newborn screenings to detect metabolic or genetic health problems, such as hypothyroidism and sickle cell disease

Dr. Ramaiah refers you to the appropriate professional for tests she doesn’t complete in her office.

What should I expect during genetic testing?

The method used for genetic testing depends on which condition you’re being tested. Expect one or more of following as part of routine genetic testing procedures:

  • A blood sample
  • A cheek swab
  • Chorionic villus sampling, or taking samples of an unborn baby’s placenta
  • Amniocentesis, or sampling an unborn baby’s amniotic fluid using a thin needle

Genetic testing helps you make informed decisions about you or your future child’s health. When you’re ready to find out if genetic testing is right for you, call Total Women’s Care, or book an appointment online.


Genetic Testing